Respond & not react: the most important choice you can make in your life
This is indeed a very bold statement. But one that I believe can transform your life & your relationships.It is making the choice to pay attention to our hardwired primal responses to threat & danger. Can you try simply to start noticing how your body & mind react in challenging situations? Slow down & just…
Notes from an unapologetic bath addict
Since lockdown1 my bath habit is getting out of hand. Both frequency & length of bath visits have increased steadily, firmly replacing the sofa as my favourite place to hang out. The paraphenalia associated with each visit has become increasingly more complex & nuanced. It started off with just a sprinkle of Epsom bath salt.…
My ponderings on resilience & why I liken it to an aged bottle of Merlot
But what exactly is resilience? It is too easy to attribute resilience to a hidden, innate personal strength that we can take no responsibility for. Like being born with green, sparkly eyes or the privilege of wealth. I don’t see it this way anymore. Having gone through my own hurdles, losses & transitions ; I…